Champagne D'Argent Rabbits: Part 1

Reader Contribution by Muck Boot Diva
Published on October 9, 2011
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The Diva’s connection with Champagne D’Argent rabbits, begin just after “buying the farm.”  We parked in the driveway of our Twenty-Eight acres of heaven, during the floodsthe week of July 26, 2006.  The rain stopped, the sun came out, and a rainbow appeared.  After looking at the ceilings in the house and the basement and finding them to be as dry as a bone, we were sure The Maker of All Things intended the farm for our use, and we put in an offer.  

We wanted to start learning about the animals we had decided upon for the farm.  Since sheep, pheasants, geese, and honey bees couldn’t fit where we were living at the time we decided on having a few Champagne D’Argent rabbits that we purchased from Rabbit Breeder, Ed Hildebrand in PA. The MWM wanted to go French with all of the animals – so, Fifi and François were our first trial rabbits.  We had two huge cages set up for both of them that took up most of our metropolitan living room. 

I was not too keen on having the lagomorphs until we actually moved to the farm, and preferred the idea of reading about what we wanted to do via the books she began piecing together for a huge “self-sufficient living” library.  The MWM wanted to experience the real thing – there was no putting him off.

I rationalized to myself, “How noisy could a couple of rabbits be anyway?”

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