Modern Homesteading: How Homesteaders Are Using High Tech to Save Energy

Reader Contribution by Elena Smith
Published on May 21, 2019
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What comes into your mind when you think about the word homestead? Giving up everything and traveling a thousand miles to live in an ascetic lifestyle?

Homesteaders don’t have to be stereotypes! You don’t have to move to the middle of nowhere to become a homesteader, and homesteading isn’t about living the life of someone in the old days.

The adaption to modern challenges is what separates the modern homesteaders from the old ones. And this article introduces 7 tech tools modern off-gridders are using to save energy (and money) – and you should too.

1. Solar Panels

Solar power is one of the most accessible options modern homesteaders can use to save energy. How much can solar panels reduce your carbon footprint? According to the formula provided by the Environmental Protection Agency, a 6,000 watts solar panel system can offset the emissions produced by one fossil fuel automobile in a year.

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