Summer Variety

Reader Contribution by Connie Moore
Published on June 6, 2016
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To put it bluntly, June is a big month for food. From hot to cold, from beef to turkey, from yogurt to applesauce cake, June has it covered in its National month, weeks and days of food. Some choices such as beef steak and seafood may be a bit cost prohibitive but there is still plenty of good things to eat this month.

June is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month. Gardens are starting to produce lettuce, radishes, onions, peas and more. By the end of the month farmers markets are in full swing with zucchini, summer yellow squash, sweet onions, early tomatoes and all types of lettuces, green beans and those tiny, golf-ball size new potatoes.

While all that fresh food is wonderful, June is also National Summer Vacation Month. Who could have guessed?

In a report sent in the summer of 1888 to the Springfield Daily Republic newspaper from out west, W. S. Taylor found his vacation bliss was such that he expounded upon the benefits of the region.

He said, “Drinking in the pure mountain air scenery and sparkling cold water for two weeks so invigorates and builds up one who is accustomed to indoor work, as to enable him to put new life and vigor into his work when he returns to it. Many resort to the seaside to recuperate but in this climate I am in, the most beneficial results are to be attained from a sojourn in the mountains. It is my opinion.”

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