Simple and Delicious Pan Seared Pork Chops

Reader Contribution by Jacqueline Wilt, R.N. and C.E.M.T.
Published on May 7, 2014
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Sometimes, it’s just nice to go back to something basic. In this case, I’m talking about food. After pouring over endless recipes for pork (that’s what I had for meat for dinner), I finally decided to stop wasting my time finding something everyone could eat (my husband is on dialysis, so he has a special diet) and to just make plain pork chops. However, the last time I made “just pork chops” on the stove top, I ended up with something more akin to shoe leather, but not as soft. So, with trepidation, I decided to try it one more time. And holy moly. They were fabulous (if I do say so myself)!

I found instructions on how NOT to destroy your pork chops while doing important research (OK, OK … wasting time) on Pinterest. It was deceptively simple. It couldn’t possibly be …That. Stinking. Simple. But there it was, in black and white. Maybe my mom (who is a fabulous cook and taught me most of my cooking skills) has shown me this one before and I just didn’t get it scribed into my memory. And maybe I’m the only country girl cook who doesn’t know how to cook a simple pork chop right. But seriously, it only had four ingredients. Pork chops, olive oil, salt and pepper. That’s it. No, really. That is all!

In a large skillet (CAST IRON, of course!), pour in about 2 tablespoons of olive oil and heat it over medium-high heat, until it starts to shimmer or pool a bit in the bottom of the pan.

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