Mystery Soup

Reader Contribution by Cait Carpenter
Published on March 18, 2014
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Have you ever looked into your fridge and thought, “What the gravy am I going to do with this?” Well, I have, quite a bit, and I’ve gotten to be an expert at making Mystery Soup. Luckily for me, I had lots of scraps leftover in the fridge to glean from and my brother’s girlfriend, who seems to know more about the contents of my kitchen then I do.

The first step to making Mystery Soup is to pull all edible veggies and leftover meats from cabinets, the fridge and the freezer. We happened to have frozen peas and broccoli, canned and fresh mushrooms, fresh carrots, and leftovers from a week-old roast chicken. Brother’s girlfriend somehow produced an almost empty bag of egg noodles from the very back of the cupboard, which added a nice touch to the soup. Anything really will do.

Next step is throw everything in a pot and cover with water. Add some milk, salt, pepper, and garlic salt. After letting it boil for a bit, you’ll remember that you have a mostly dead basil plant, so crumble up some leaves and toss them in, along with an unnecessary amount of butter.

It’s not going to be thick enough, so add some flour. If your family happens to be gluten free, wing it and add some random weird flour that your mom has in the cupboard. I chose hemp flour and it turned out just fine.

After letting it all cook together for awhile, test if it’s cooked by the carrots. If the carrots are soft, then the soup is done. Salt and pepper to taste.

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