Honey-Infused Beverage Recipes

From soda to switchel, these honey-infused beverages are the bee's knees, full of natural antioxidants, throat soothing, good for guts, and delicious.

By Carrie Williams Howe
Updated on July 15, 2022
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As beekeepers and honey lovers, my family and I are always looking for ways to use honey in our kitchen. We bake with it, cook with it, and eat it by the spoonful. Lately, we’ve also discovered a whole menu of beverages that can be made with honey, and we’re loving the results.

Using honey in homemade beverages allows you to satisfy your thirst for sweeter drinks while also cutting back on added sugar. Because honey is sweeter by the ounce than white sugar, you can use less honey than you would sugar in almost any recipe. The silky texture of honey also makes for a smooth drink – one that tingles the taste buds and feels great going down.

Best of all, each time you consume a drink made with honey, you can get a little boost from honey’s many health benefits. Honey contains natural antioxidants, which may help combat certain health issues, including heart disease, strokes, and some types of cancer. Honey is also great for soothing sore throats, and may help relieve certain cold and allergy symptoms. Look for raw (and locally sourced!) honey to use in your foods and beverages, as pasteurization tends to degrade some of the antioxidants, as well as destroy honey’s naturally occurring yeast.

Many drink recipes that use honey include other beneficial ingredients as well – such as cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, and mint – so you’re often getting an extra boost of goodness in your cup. (That being said, keep in mind that honey is still a sugar, so don’t overindulge.)

From cool and refreshing iced drinks to warm and comforting beverages that come in a mug, honey can be enjoyed at any time of year. After all, how many things taste just as good on a summer day when you come in from the garden as they do on a winter day after loading the woodstove? Honey’s versatility makes it a must-have ingredient in any beverage lineup. Here are some of our favorite year-round recipes.

Honey Ginger Switchel Recipe

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