Gluten-Free Beer-Battered Fried Okra

Reader Contribution by Bn Heard
Published on June 16, 2014
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I’m from the South, we eat okra. We roast it, boil it, pickle it and fry it. Every Sunday after church, my grandmama would have fried chicken, green beans and fried okra with cornbread.

Now that I think about it, I worry that Grandmama’s range was a bit narrow. She would on rare occasions break out that gelatinous pink stuff with strawberries in it that was a favorite at church picnics, decoration days, funerals and family reunions.

The “Pink Stuff” seemed to be her go-to dish for crowds. However, I remember her for her fried chicken, green beans and fried okra.

Grandmama’s fried okra was cornmeal based and didn’t look like what a lot of folks think of when they think of fried okra. It looked like someone had thrown a handful of sand into a bunch of okra and shook it up. I will say this – I loved it.

I have to be careful when frying things now because we have discovered that one of our children seems to have a sensitivity to gluten. It’s one of those things that I don’t understand, but if it makes her feel better – that’s all that matters.

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