Quick and Easy Meals from Scratch: A Few Time Management Tips

Reader Contribution by Susy
Published on March 23, 2010
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When it comes up in conversation that I make everything from scratch, including butter, bread, pasta, etc., I often hear, “Oh, well, if I had time for that I would, but I’m so busy.” I must admit, it’s not that I have more hours in the day than everyone else, I have two almost full-time jobs (that’s two full-time jobs, not two jobs that equal one full-time job) and write for four blogs. We grow some food, can and freeze food in the summer, sugar our maple trees, and keep bees. We don’t have kids running around which saves us time, but I still have to make the best use of my time in order to get things done. Mr. Chiots helps out a great deal as well, although since we own a business, he spends between 60 and 80 hours a week working as well. We both work from home, which saves us time commuting and allows us to monitor certain projects during the workday. 

I must admit, I love to cook, always have. I enjoy spending time in the kitchen, chopping vegetables, kneading bread, churning butter. Being in the kitchen is usually relaxing for me, and it’s a great creative outlet. It’s kind of like gardening; you can let your mind wander while your hands do the work. That being said, I don’t have time to spend hours in the kitchen each night – I have to get my blog posts written! Over the years I’ve developed ways to make the most of my time in the kitchen, and today I’ll share what works for me. After spending some time cooking, you’ll start to develop your own techniques that work well for you. 

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