Worm Turn

Reader Contribution by Loretta Liefveld
Published on March 18, 2019
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January. Winter. Can’t do much in the garden because the ground is frozen solid. A little too early to plant seeds indoors, because the last frost date is still 3-4 months away. Seed catalogs invite me to buy, buy, buy, so I read them cover to cover and make list after list of what I want to plant. Of course, I don’t yet have the amount of prepared space to be able to plant everything I want. Enthusiasm for planning wanes after a while.

I think it’s the perfect time to assemble my ‘new’ Worm Wigwam that I purchased at a Mother Earth News Fair last August!

I already have one of those stackable tray things for my worms. The one I have has 5 trays, and I’m currently on tray #3. It works very well, looks reasonably nice, is easy to maintain, and I like it. But I can only harvest a small amount of vermicompost at a time.

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