Winterized! I’m ready…or am I?

Reader Contribution by Loretta Liefveld
Published on December 28, 2017
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When does winter really start? Is it a date? Is it a temperature? Is it whenever you are “stuck” inside?  My answer is that it’s different for different folks.

When our nighttime temperature first got down to below zero, I said “Winter is officially here.”  But that was one night. We then had twoo weeks of drop-dead, gorgeous weather. Hmm … maybe winter wasn’t here after all. Then, one day, we had some snow flurries. Wow! Winter was finally here. But it didn’t even stick to the ground, much less stay for even a day. Hmm … maybe winter wasn’t here after all. We finally had a 4-to-5-inch snowfall that covered not only the ground, but laid a 5-inch layer of snow onto the top of our heat pump, and 4 inches onto our portable greenhouse. NOW, winter was finally here.

But I was prepared (or so I thought). I had made hoops for one of my raised beds out of PVC pipe and shower curtains. I had gathered what seemed like tons of pine needles to cover my herb garden in a layer about 3-to-4 inches deep. I would have used leaves as mulch, but the leaves weren’t falling much at that time. I pushed the pine needle mulch especially high right around the base of the plants. I had researched the plants to see which ones might survive and learned that for some of them, I should cut them down to the ground and pile mulch completely over the top of them. 

I was ready for winter! But was it enough?

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