Grow Lesser-Known Nightshade Plants: Ground Cherry, Cape Gooseberry, Tomatillo and More

By Lawrence Davis-Hollander
Published on April 6, 2017
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Ground cherries are easy to grow and can be used to substitue for many other berries.
Ground cherries are easy to grow and can be used to substitue for many other berries.
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Use large yields of tomatillos for homemade salsas and condiments that can be frozen or canned.
Use large yields of tomatillos for homemade salsas and condiments that can be frozen or canned.
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Tomatillo salsa serves as a delicious substitute for tomato salsa.
Tomatillo salsa serves as a delicious substitute for tomato salsa.
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Ground cherries, also called husk cherries, are sweet-tart; great for baking or snacking.
Ground cherries, also called husk cherries, are sweet-tart; great for baking or snacking.
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Purple tomatillos are typically sweeter than the green varieties.
Purple tomatillos are typically sweeter than the green varieties.
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The fruit of the wonderberry should only be eaten when completely purple and fully ripe.
The fruit of the wonderberry should only be eaten when completely purple and fully ripe.
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Wait until purple tomatillos turn purple, when they’ve ripened, and eat them right off the vine.
Wait until purple tomatillos turn purple, when they’ve ripened, and eat them right off the vine.

The paradoxical attributes of the Nightshade family (Solanaceae) are well known to most vegetable gardeners. Typically we eat them for their edible fruits, raw and cooked, with one notable exception, the potato, which is eaten for its tubers. The poisonous properties of these plants are well known; or at least we know them sufficiently well to never dream of eating tomato or pepper foliage, and hopefully use extreme caution when encountering an unknown fruit from this family.

But a number of minor Solanaceous plants are well worth growing for their fruits.

There are many species of husk tomato, genus Physalis, mostly native to the Americas, not cultivated and tending to be weeds with undistinguished edible fruits. A few, such as ground cherries and tomatillos, are cultivated, and many selections have been made. What makes Physalis unique is that the fruit is enclosed by its inflated calyx, a husk, and hence the group name “husk tomatoes.”

Ground cherries

At the top of my list is the ground cherry, Physalis pruinosa. Native to North America, this plant has become better known in the last 15 years, but it has been cultivated since Colonial times, harvested by the Pennsylvania Dutch in the 18th century, among others. Native Americans in both North and South America used various Physalis for food and medicine. Philip Miller’s Gardener’s Dictionary mentions a number of types he had been cultivating since 1725 in England.

The epithet “ground cherries” is used generally to describe many types of Physalis, but these plants are 1 to 2 feet tall but low-sprawling, yielding lots of marble-sized orangish-yellow fruits enclosed in a papery husk. Whether this plant got its name because the plant sprawls close to the ground or most of the ripe fruit end up on the ground is not clear.

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