How to Prepare For Spring Building During the Winter

Reader Contribution by Megan Wild
Published on December 18, 2017
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The seasons are a fact of life, but winter in particular can be an inconvenience for many with construction plans. Farmers sometimes need to carry out preparatory building over the colder months to ensure structures remain stable. Sheds and warehouses must be capable of storing grains and crops for spring.

Although snowfall can bring its own complications, construction in the wintertime is also thwarted by frozen grounds and freezing winds. For farmers preparing to plant as soon as the warmer temperatures hit, time is critical for maximizing yield. However, the cost implications of winter construction prove to be a real threat to both revenue and a sustainable farm.

We’re going to take a further look below at the issues to be aware of with winter construction and how to mitigate them, ensuring you as a farmer or landowner execute a build of reasonable cost and effort.

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