Greenhouse Alternatives for Crop Protection

When it comes to extending the growing season, sometimes a greenhouse just isn’t the right choice.

By Jerome Osentowski
Updated on August 30, 2021
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Greenhouses, hoop houses, row tunnels and garden cloches can all help extend your gardening season by months.

Jerome Osentowski, director and founder of the Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute, shows how to design and build successful greenhouse projects in The Forest Garden Greenhouse (Chelsea Green Publishing, 2015). Learn how to use passive and active solar heating strategies to create tropical or Mediterranean climates even at high altitude or in cold climates. The following excerpt is from chapter 2, “Expanding the Possible with Season Extension”.

Crop Protection Structures

In the sections that follow, we describe cloches, hoop houses, domes, gutter-connected greenhouses, and four-season greenhouses. By combining solar collection, thermal mass, and insulation to capture and store energy, we can effectively grow a much wider variety of plants, even in heavy snow country.

We are also learning how the underground soil mass can even out the temperature swings of both cold and hot climates to provide a supportive growing environment for the food plants we want to eat. As we write this text, we are designing a climate battery for a greenhouse in the hot desert Southwest that uses the same principles in reverse. That greenhouse will draw daytime ventilation air from a shaded orchard area through cooler underground pipes before it enters the greenhouse, with added water-fogging evaporators on really hot days to help maintain moderate inside temperature and humidity levels. For a future dependent on renewable energy and constrained supplies, we need to conserve as much as we can. Growing a wide variety of food crops locally will save transportation energy, keep resources within the community where they are generated, and help create unique regional cuisines and artisan cultures.

Let’s get growing!

Cloches and Row Covers

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