What Nuts Grow on Trees?

By Vernon Trail
Updated on April 11, 2023
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by Chuck Place Photography
Walnut trees take several years to establish and bear a nut crop, but they are well worth the wait.

What nuts grow on trees? Nut trees fulfill many roles on the homestead, from tasty food sources to a shady spot for an afternoon nap.

Nut trees provide us with far more than delicious, highly nutritious nuts. Many varieties make for magnificent shade trees, and have highly attractive forms, foliage, bark and other features, making them perfect for the homestead landscape.

The brief definition of a nut is any hard-shell dry fruit or seed that contains one or more edible kernels. The botanical meaning is a little more detailed, but for our purposes, let the common term suffice. To clarify things further, a peanut, botanically speaking, is not a nut at all, but rather the fruit and seed of a legume.

For the health of it

Nuts are a nutritionally dense food. They are a great source of protein, iron, calcium, other minerals, essential amino acids, and B vitamins, and contain no cholesterol. They are one of the richest sources of vitamin E, and the fats found in nuts are heart healthy. Chestnuts are the only nut with any vitamin C, composed mainly of carbohydrates and minerals, and low in fat and calories.

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