Clearing Your Land for a New Project

Clearing land is a big project for homesteaders, but a solid plan can make it efficient and affordable to do on your own.

Reader Contribution by Holly Welles
Published on February 12, 2020
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by Flickr/Gayle Mosher

You have a new project in mind — a garden, a pasture for livestock, an addition to your home — but your land is awash with trees, shrubbery and brush. To accomplish your goals, you’ll need to clear everything away affordably and efficiently.

Don’t get stuck with a drawn-out plan that lasts years. Instead, follow the guide below to create the space of your dreams.

Step 1: Choose an Area

Before you start chopping down trees or digging up the earth, you should section off the territory you plan to work on with stakes and bright tape. If you hire a professional crew for any part of the process, these markers will reduce the chance of mistake.

With a section in mind, you should also research your local zoning and building ordinances. The guidelines you must follow will depend on the size and scope of your chosen project. In some cases, you may need an inspector to visit the site and ensure everything is code compliant.

Step 2: Amass Your Equipment

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