How Renewable Energy Can Benefit Your Farm

Reader Contribution by Bobbi Peterson
Published on November 16, 2016
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Farmers and recycling go together like bacon and eggs. They rely on the Earth for their living, on their livestock for their sustenance and on each other for their community. Not only do farmers make every tool and piece of equipment last as long as possible, but they also repair, replace or recycle every broken part. When it comes to creative ingenuity, farmers have it down to a science.

Renewable energy can also benefit your farm. By investing in renewable energy, you can continue to benefit the planet and even make or save some money at the same time.

Harnessing the Wind

Renewable energy has been part of the farming lifestyle going back to the days of wagon trains and homesteading settlers. Windmills that once dotted the plains were more than just decorative. They functioned as water pumps, drawing water up to thirsty livestock, and sometimes even thirstier families.

Windmills were replaced by electric or gas-powered pumps, and they became more decorative than functional. Coming full circle once again, farming communities are now installing wind turbines and windmills – not just to pump water, but to pump electricity, powering houses, barns and outbuildings.

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