Permaculture principles, share the surplus or limit consumption? The definition by some practitioners of permaculture state three principles, they are usually stated as Care for the Earth, the People and the Future. But according to, some also express caring for the future as sharing the surplus, limiting consumption or re-invest the surplus. You can find out more about their movie and their passion by going to their website,
The movie, Permaculture: The Growing Edge, is an antidote to environmental despair, a hopeful and practical look at a path to a viable, flourishing future. The film introduces us to inspiring examples of projects, and includes a visit to David Holmgren’s own homestead, tracking deer with naturalist Jon Young, sheet mulching an inner-city garden with Hunters Point Family, transforming an intersection into a gathering place with City Repair, and joining mycologist Paul Stamets as he cleans up an oil spill with mushrooms. We interview some of the key figures in the Permaculture movement, including David Holmgren, Penny Livingston-Stark, James Stark, Paul Stamets, Mark Lakeman, Dr. Elaine Ingham, Maddy Harland, and others.
Permaculture is a sustainable system of earth care that offers solutions to many of our grave environmental problems and a hopeful, proactive vision of change. The Permaculture movement, started by Australians Bill Mollison and David Holmgren in the 1970s, is now a worldwide network of skilled ecological designers, teachers, food growers, natural builders, environmental activists and visionaries. “Permaculture is the key to a post-carbon future,” says Maddy Harlan, editor of Permaculture Magazine.
Permaculture practitioners usually are planning hundreds of years in the future and how what they are doing now will affect the environment for all of us. Permaculture: Permanent Agriculture is a system that follows and mimics nature to create a sustainable living systems similar to a forest garden.
Just as we are starting our permaculture farm at over 8,000 feet altitude in Colorado, we are visiting the forest and paying attention to what I call the Seven Permaculture Principles Action steps. They are also listed in the new book:
or How Surrendering to the Laws of Nature Provides Abundant Success
Here is the list of my basic action steps:
1. Surrender to the laws of nature
2. Observe your surroundings
3. Ask for help
4. Rest and plan
5. Implement your plan
6. Remember natural abundance comes from good stewardship
7. Be grateful for all of the abundance that comes your way
I have used the principles and steps in this book that we just published to survive a death sentence of congestive heart failure. It is by getting back to living a life that is full of gratitude, great nutrition and a community that enjoys the responsibility of taking care of creation that has made a huge difference in my health and life.
Picture before Permaculture Principles were implemented
8 months after changing to Permaculture Principles Lifestyle
There are so many people to be grateful for, that I must mention God first. I am now part of a community of people, at Directions University, How to Live on Purpose and the Life Breath Coach, who have always been willing to help and guide me back to health. My wife and, of course, many more people from church and family. I am also thankful for the doctors, physician assistants and nurses as well as supporting staff at the VA (Veterans Administration) Hospital who have kept me alive and who care for so many people.
Now it is my responsibility to be a good steward of my environment, including my body, by providing good nutrition for this body and the earth. We are all in this together. I have met so many people who have seen my “before” and “after” pictures in the new book, Permaculture Principles, as well as sharing my testimony with them, who have decided to live also.
As the TallTrees from have shared many times, Gakina-awiiya (We Are All Related), words that have brought me back to the realization of what my purpose and passion are. A life that is once again connected to our Creator.
If you are ready to discover more about Permaculture Principles, click here to order your copy from
Today is a Great Day.
Chris Downs
The Caretaker