Make Soap the Old-fashioned Way

By Susan Verberg
Published on December 7, 2017
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Making soap using “old-fashioned” techniques is a fun and rewarding project that doesn’t require specialized or expensive equipment.
Making soap using “old-fashioned” techniques is a fun and rewarding project that doesn’t require specialized or expensive equipment.
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You can easily make your own leaching barrel for turning wood ash into lye.
You can easily make your own leaching barrel for turning wood ash into lye.
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If you’ve used regular ashes from a woodstove or fireplace, the drip lye will be dark brown and probably won’t suspend an egg.
If you’ve used regular ashes from a woodstove or fireplace, the drip lye will be dark brown and probably won’t suspend an egg.
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If you’ve used white ashes from a high-efficiency stove, the lye may be light yellow and will float an egg from the get-go.
If you’ve used white ashes from a high-efficiency stove, the lye may be light yellow and will float an egg from the get-go.
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Add the lye to the oil, mix well with a hand mixer or stick blender,?and let sit overnight.
Add the lye to the oil, mix well with a hand mixer or stick blender,?and let sit overnight.
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After letting it rest for 12 hours, heat the solution for an hour or two in a slow cooker on the high setting with the lid in place.
After letting it rest for 12 hours, heat the solution for an hour or two in a slow cooker on the high setting with the lid in place.
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The soap will get thicker until it incorporates and looks like custard.
The soap will get thicker until it incorporates and looks like custard.
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As the soap cooks in the slow cooker, you’ll see bubbles form at the edge and finished soap starting to form on top.
As the soap cooks in the slow cooker, you’ll see bubbles form at the edge and finished soap starting to form on top.
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Cook until the soap starts to have a glazed, sleek look like petroleum jelly, and leaves little wavy points when stirred.
Cook until the soap starts to have a glazed, sleek look like petroleum jelly, and leaves little wavy points when stirred.
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Your finished soap will vary by color and consistency, but in the end you'll have a unique and useful product.
Your finished soap will vary by color and consistency, but in the end you'll have a unique and useful product.
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Gritty tries his hand at making homemade soap.
Gritty tries his hand at making homemade soap.

Soap-makers love to tell the story of how ancient Romans first “discovered” soap by burning animal sacrifices on Mount Sapo, and how the creeks at the bottom of that mythological mountain were the best places to do laundry. They’ll tell you that the water, ash, and animal fat on those sites accidentally created the soap that filled the creeks. The reality is that the Romans didn’t actually make soap. They traded for it with the Celts, who dominated the market because of their access to abundant limestone and seashells, from which they produced slacked lime to make a caustic soda lye (sodium hydroxide).

After years of professionally making all-natural goat’s milk soaps to sell at our local farmers market, I decided to develop a self-sufficient soap-making process based on ancient techniques. My goals were to make my own lye and to turn kitchen-waste fats into soap. I dug through old articles and manuscripts, learned to decipher medieval English, and filled my kitchen with weird, bubbling concoctions. And I wondered how something that seemed so simple could be so challenging.

Don’t let me discourage you, though. If you’re an outdoor enthusiast, you may have made soap already. Scrubbing a greasy frying pan with campfire ashes doesn’t just scour the dirt away: When rinsed with a little water, the hydroxide salts in the ashes combine with the cooking grease to form a primitive cleanser.

Soap-making basics

To undertake the process of making soap, known as “saponification” (from sapo, the Latin word for soap), let’s first review what soap is and why it works the way it does. Because soap is made from water-soluble bases known as alkalis, it neutralizes acids while retaining its ability to be dissolved in water. More specifically, soap is a surfactant with the unusual ability to diffuse fats and oils into water, which is why it can rinse away oily stains.

Soap is made by mixing dissolved hydroxide salts, generally called “lye,” with fatty acids. To make your own lye that you can use to produce a soft soap, you leach (or drip) water through ashes to dissolve the hydroxide salts. Ashes are highly concentrated minerals of hydroxides, nitrates, carbonates, sulfites, and more. The quality of the lye produced depends on how well the plant material was burned. I’ve found that the more complete the burn (all organic material combusted), the more hydroxides will be dissolved, and the more basic (that is, higher pH) the resulting lye will be. In the case of incomplete burns, such as you’d find in fire pits and fireplaces, you can add lime to the ash to help change carbonates (charcoal) into hydroxides.

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