How to Build an Ice Rink Bench

By Joe Proulx
Published on June 21, 2018
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This bench is simple, it's cheap, and it'll keep your bottom drier than sitting in a snowbank when tying your shoes.
This bench is simple, it's cheap, and it'll keep your bottom drier than sitting in a snowbank when tying your shoes.
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“Backyard Ice Rink” by Joe Proulx provides simple, easy-to-follow instructions for building a skating rink in your own backyard.
“Backyard Ice Rink” by Joe Proulx provides simple, easy-to-follow instructions for building a skating rink in your own backyard.

Backyard Ice Rink(Countryman Press, 2015) by Joe Proulx guides you through every step of building your own backyard ice skating rink. From the simplest wooden frame to elaborate tall-board rinks, from measuring the slope in your yard to constructing your frame using parts found at your local hardware store, Proulx makes the project easy to tackle. This project will give you a place to sit rink-side – and for a low cost.

Someone once called me a cheapskate. It was the nicest thing anyone had ever said to me. With that in mind, I present the $20 (or less if you collect used wood like me) rink bench. This design is battle-tested rinkside across the United States and Canada, and is the official bench of a handful of pond hockey tournaments. It’s simple, it’s cheap, and it’ll keep your butt drier than sitting in a snowbank when tying your shoes.

I had about 90 percent of the parts sitting in my garage (and under my deck, and in my shed, and . . .) but if you bought it all from scratch, it would break down as such:

Materials and Cost

  • Lumber: $8 or so. I used a pair of 8′-long 2″x4″ and a single 8′-long 2″x6″, but you could probably use four 8′-long 2″x6″s, which are typically under $2 each at the big-box stores.
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