There’s a chill in the air today in CNY. I’m looking at my sporadic sunflower crop – it was not the crop I expected – but it yielded some seeds I will dry out for next year.
Our very first garden yielded a HUGE crop – we gave away a ton of vegetables to our friends in NJ who have been bearing up under some tough economic times. In the country, people shy away from gifts of zucchini and tomatoes after a while – well, people in the city treat it like gold for as long as they can get it.
The apple crop is ten times as big as last year; nice, large fruit — I believe the bees have helped via pollination. The MWM also pruned the trees over the past couple years. My niece and son picked a few crates this weekend.
Also, last time we picked pears they looked like three inch mutation growths. This year — the pears really look store bought! The MWM and honeybee’s work certainly paid off.
We plan on making cider and harvesting some of our first honey during the next few weeks – I’ll keep you updated.
I collected the last of my sunflowers into a pretty bouquet and gazed at them in their vase near our window. The wood burning stove popped with apple firewood and I remembered the spring day I planted them.
The sun was glowing, and I took a long needed Vitamin D shower in it. I also visited the Rogers Environmental Center in Sherburne, NY and took photos of my favorite local folk singing duo!
As we strolled along the exhibit area, we viewed some exotic animals on display including a crocodile! Looking down at my boots I suddenly feared an ink splattering. Hiding behind a friend’s son, just home from college, I instructed him on the finer points of crocodile boot construction. All the time swearing that I’d be selling these boots and the rest of my “animal-skinned” collection, for some more environmentally friendly muck boots REAL soon.
Drove back to the farm, and then on to my “big project” of the day – some small variety and giant mammoth sunflower planting! The MWM and his Mother watched me from afar – wondering if I’d adhere to the rules. No heavy exertion. I smiled sweetly back at them, winking in the sunlight.
I sauntered towards the door, grabbed the seeds, my handy Lehman’s maple handled kitchen broom, my hat, and headed straight back out to my freshly tilled sunflower area. Using my brains, a little sweat, and an eagle eye, I drew lines in the dirt with the handle. Then, I carefully dropped in the seeds and swept the dirt back over top. All done! I grinned triumphantly. They looked my way, tipped their hats, and went back to work.
Sunflowers provide oil and food. They attract wonderful birds. Their bright yellow petals resemble the Sun, and they turn to the Sun for comfort. It is said their meanings include “warmth, happiness, adoration, and longevity.”
Well, that thought brings me to children and comfort. I was watching the CNY kids on my way home from the Rogers Center. They were riding bikes, playing ball, and smiling in the sun. You could tell they were used to skinned knees, hugs, and lemonade in the summertime.
The Maker of all Things must sit and wonder – if members of middle aged humanity (in the city at least) – feel forced to pay their therapist to listen to them, use their credit cards to fulfill their every whim, and write out checks to their masseuse to smooth away their worries – what will their children do?
That’s one reason this Diva prefers the country over the city. There is still a bit of hope in the eyes of country children.
I closed up the woodstove and decided it was time for bed – for me the countryside equals peace and quiet and you sure can’t beat this time of year for sleeping.
When I was a child I believed that all sunflowers pulled up their roots at night and danced around in the moonlight, laughing together – when mine grow up, I’ll be watching.
Sweet Dreams~~
Splashingly Yours!
Muck Boot Diva