25x’25 Launches New Blog

By 25x'25 National Alliance
Published on March 31, 2009
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The blog for the 25x'25 website.
The blog for the 25x'25 website.
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The 25x'25 website
The 25x'25 website

Making the most of the role of 25x’25 as an impartial source of information on agricultural and forestry renewable energy and climate change solutions; the National Alliance has launched a new blog – live as of April 1 – that will proactively bring news, commentary and the latest on 25x’25 developments to anyone across the country and around the world with a computer.

The 5th National 25x’25 Renewable Energy Summit, March 31-April 2, enabled the blog to feature almost immediate recaps of speakers and presentations. The blog will evolve into a daily post to address any of the 25x’25 key areas of focus, including: progress towards the 25x’25 goal; the role of agriculture and forestry in a reduced carbon economy; sustainable biofuels development; community scale wind development; and woody biomass as a renewable energy feedstock.

To subscribe to the 25x’25 Blog, merely go to the 25x’25 Blog site. Click on the “RSS” (Real Simple Syndication) function (indicated by the icon). You will be presented with a number of common newsreader options (Google, Yahoo). Move your cursor over the newsreader option of choice, click on it and follow the instructions for completing your subscription.

Once subscribed, the RSS newsreader selected will automatically check the 25x’25 Blog page regularly for new content and download that content to you in a readily readable format. For example, users who employ Google for their home page can choose the “Google home page” option and will begin seeing items from the 25x’25 Blog in a content box on their Google home page along with their other features (weather, calendar, TV listings, etc.). The other Google option provided, the “Google reader” option, opens up a list of subscribed blogs and the latest content from each on your Google home page only by clicking on the RSS icon in the Google toolbar. Either way provides the user immediately with any new blog content.

Users who register on the 25x’25 Blog site also will also have the opportunity to comment on the site in response to each news item posted.

In addition, the blog site will offer an archive of previously posted items, a list of “tags” for each blog item (a keyword or term assigned to help describe the item and allow it to be found again by browsing or searching), and an array of categories that users can employ to find blog content about specific subject matter.

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