Judy Ruppel, Oak Ridge, Missouri, is looking for a recipe for a coconut candy her mother used to make for Christmas. The candy was creamy white with coconut, and it was almost like vanilla fudge, she says. Shona Frese, Norway, Iowa, sends a recipe for White Coconut Fudge that might fit Judy’s request.
Coconut Recipes
White Coconut Fudge
2 cups sugar
1 cup evaporated milk
½ cup butter or margarine
8 ounces white almond bark
1 cup miniature marshmallows
½ cup flake coconut
½ cup chopped English walnuts or pecans
1 teaspoon vanilla
Butter 8-inch square pan; set aside.
Butter sides of heavy, 3-quart saucepan. In pan, combine sugar, evaporated milk and butter. Cook to soft ball stage (234°F). Remove from heat and add almond bark and marshmallows. Stir until melted. Add remaining ingredients.
Pour into prepared pan. Cool completely, then cut into squares.