Mail Call:January-February 2009

By Grit Staff
Published on December 2, 2008
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Miss GRIT 1952 runner-up, Sharon B. Hallagin, has taught in Dodge City for more than 30 years.
Miss GRIT 1952 runner-up, Sharon B. Hallagin, has taught in Dodge City for more than 30 years.
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In the March/April Grit, Miss Clementina of Amelia Island, Florida, asked in a Mail Call letter, “A Simple Search,” for information on living off the grid and other homesteading help. Reader Cecil Smith responded with some enthusiastic and pertinent advice.
In the March/April Grit, Miss Clementina of Amelia Island, Florida, asked in a Mail Call letter, “A Simple Search,” for information on living off the grid and other homesteading help. Reader Cecil Smith responded with some enthusiastic and pertinent advice.
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Maceroni and cheese is good no matter your age.
Maceroni and cheese is good no matter your age.
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There's nothing quite like a freshly dug potato to complete your mashed potatoes recipe.
There's nothing quite like a freshly dug potato to complete your mashed potatoes recipe.
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Our recipe for green tomato mincemeat pie provides a way to deal with those ripening trays of green tomatoes.
Our recipe for green tomato mincemeat pie provides a way to deal with those ripening trays of green tomatoes.


My sister recently gave me the gift of a Grit subscription. Wow! What a change in format since 1952. It is even greater than before.

I still have a copy of a 1952 edition. In that edition you published the Miss Grit winner and runners-up. I was a runner-up and received a check, which was great for a high school freshman ($25). In fond remembrance of that occasion I have chosen to share the present with the past.

Thanks for my brief glimpse of recognition. I have been a teacher for more than 30 years and realize the value of encouraging a positive self-concept in young people.

Thanks again.
Sharon B. Hallagin

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