Mail Call: September/October 2007

By Readers Of Grit
Published on September 1, 2007
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Elwin Trump
Big Red dutifully devours his breakfast bun outside the deli in Scio, Oregon.

Something to Crow About

One day in 1998, a Rhode Island Red rooster appeared on the streets of Scio, Oregon (population 625). They’re not real sure how he got there, but the most popular theory is that he rode into town in the back of a pickup. The rooster, affectionately called “Big Red,” moved into the warehouse of Heikkila’s feed store and proceeded to claim the town – and the town also claimed him. Big Red was at times referred to as the mayor, town mascot or leading citizen. He even rode in a special cage during the parade at the Scio’s annual sheep dog trial days.

I heard about Big Red from folks around the countryside who noted that CNN and Fox News as well as newspapers from everywhere had been in Scio to interview him.

I had to go meet this star, too. I arrived at Heikkila’s about the time they were unlocking the sliding door at the loading dock. I asked, “I hear you have a rooster around here called Big Red?”

“Yeah, sure do,” the man replied. “He’s just inside.”

“Suppose I could get some pictures of him?” “Well, that will be no problem,” he answered with a laugh. “He’ll come right out and pose for you.”

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