September/October 2010 Recipe Box Recipes:
Zucchini Lasagna
Whole Grain Pizza
Funnel Cakes
Makes-Its-Own-Crust Coconut Pie
Impossible Pie
Streusel Concord Grape Pie
Grape Pie
Amid the requests for sweets and desserts – funnel cakes and coconut and grape pies – are two for items considered a bit more healthful: zucchini lasagna and oatmeal pizza crust.
Substituting zucchini for lasagna noodles is one way to lower your gluten intake, an important step for those with gluten sensitivity or the devastating celiac disease. Up to 35 percent of Americans may suffer from gluten sensitivity, and continued consumption of gluten can lead to celiac’s, an auto-immune disorder that destroys the small intestine’s ability to absorb nutrients. The disease affects about 1 in 133 people in the United States; if a person has a first-degree relative with the disorder, the odds go up.
Gluten sensitivity has also been linked to other disorders such as fibromyalgia, dermatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis and diabetes.
Only one of our recipes in this issue is suitable for those with celiac’s or gluten sensitivity. And whether the request is for a recipe to help combat a health issue, a sweet treat, a remembered favorite from Grandma’s Sunday dinner table, or a dish from a restaurant’s menu, Recipe Box is here to help. It’s a fairly simply process, although it does take time.
Send your request by mail or e-mail, include as many details about the recipe as you remember (name, ingredients, how it was cooked, perhaps the region where it comes from, ethnic origin, etc.), and add your full mailing address and phone number. When we publish the request we include only your name, city and state.
Other readers take a look at the request and realize they have the exact recipe mentioned, or something similar. Photocopies, recipe cards and handwritten notes find their way to our office where they are placed in folders for each recipe.
When preparing Recipe Box for an issue, five or six folders are selected, and one or two of the response recipes chosen. Once a recipe is published in the magazine, we usually wait a while for any last-minute responses, then the entire folder of recipes is sent to the person who made the original request. Sometimes we find that too much time has passed, so we don’t publish a recipe, we simply send all the responses to the requesting party.
We ask that response recipes be sent to GRIT to allow us to publish one or two recipes in a future Recipe Box. If sending in a response recipe, please include your name, mailing address and phone number. We’ll publish only your name, city and state. The phone number is for fact-checking. Without the response recipes, we would have nothing to print for the article. Essentially, Recipe Box is reader-driven and reader-written.
Please, for both a request and for a response, type them up, or print or write legibly. When sending a response, no need to send a stamped envelope, we’ll forward the recipe.
Send your requests and responses to my attention (Jean Teller). If sending responses to more than one request, please copy each recipe onto its own sheet of paper, and include your name, address and phone number on each sheet, all of which helps our filing system.
If you have a question, just let me know; all the contact information is on Page 42. And thank you for helping make Recipe Box a favorite feature of GRIT.