My father eats these Bread and Butter Pickles in a bowl like potato chips. The bell peppers and onions absorb the same sweet flavor.
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Bread and Butter Pickles Recipe
2 to 3 dozen cucumbers — no larger around than your thumb and index finger can make, cut into 1/2-inch-thick slices (The thick slices are the secret to firm pickles. My favorite cucumber variety is the old heirloom Marketmore 76 because they are delicious, disease-free, highly productive, and they don’t get that bitter flavor in the heat.)
3 large green or red bell peppers, cored and sliced into 1/2-inch strips
2 large onions, peeled and sliced into 1/2-inch “rings”
1 cup salt dissolved into 1 pitcher cold water (table or canning salts are OK)
5 cups white vinegar
5 cups white sugar
2 teaspoons whole cloves
3 teaspoons turmeric
2 tablespoons mustard seed
Combine cucumbers, bell peppers and onions in very large pot (I use my pressure canner or a large stockpot). I fill my canner about 2/3 full of sliced cucumbers. Cover with ice and pour salt water over vegetables. Add more water if necessary until all vegetables are covered with water. Close pressure canner lid and put petcock on so the cold will stay in the canner. If you are using a water-bath canner pot or stockpot, put the lid on and put it in the refrigerator. Let soak at least 12 hours, but no more than 24 hours or pickles will be soft. After the soaking time, drain in strainer and rinse to remove excess salt.
Since you’re using the water-bath caning method, be sure to sterilize jars and lids.
In large pot (I use my pressure canner without the lid, or a large stockpot), combine vinegar, sugar, cloves, turmeric and mustard seed. Stir until sugar is dissolved and bring to a boil. Once brine is at full boil, add vegetables and, while stirring constantly, return to a full boil.
Turn off heat and, using wide-based funnel, ladle vegetables into quart jars. After all jars are filled, ladle in brine, leaving 1/4-inch headspace. Remove bubbles. Wipe rims of jars with clean, dampened paper towel, place hot lid on jar and tighten band fully.
Return canner that you sterilized your jars in back to the stove and insert jar holder/lifter. Add jars and lower into water. Make sure jars are completely submerged — at least 1 inch under water. Put lid on and bring to a gentle boil. Turn down heat to keep at gentle boil, not a full, rolling boil. Process 20 minutes.
Remove from water and put on towel. Leave undisturbed until cool, then place in dark cabinet or pantry for at least 1 week to bring out the full flavor. Yields about 9 quarts.
Note: Never pressure can cucumbers or summer squashes as it will turn them to mush.