Finding Balance In a Busy Life

Reader Contribution by Karrie Steely
Published on September 15, 2014
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This time of year is busy and full of work. At any given time, there are several projects to be done at once. Farmers are bringing crops in, food needs to be preserved from the gardens, we continue to work on building the house, and jobs on the computer keep coming in, in addition to all the chores and daily duties. When I was younger, I ran myself into the ground because I didn’t know how to balance things. I pushed everything to the point that I didn’t enjoy it anymore because I was exhausted and no fun to be around, and couldn’t even stand myself.

I like to think that I’ve accumulated a little wisdom along with the wrinkles over the years. We women tend to nurture and take care of everything around us and forget about ourselves. I’ve learned to check in with myself every so often to make sure I take care of me, too. My way of nurturing myself is to take time to do nothing. Just be still and do nothing for awhile.

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