Pangs of Rural Entrepreneurship

Reader Contribution by Oz Girl
Published on January 29, 2010
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Many of us dream of a home business where we can sit at our computer in our pajamas and slippers telecommuting with our job or even better, growing our own home business. Self-satisfaction is high on the list of goals when starting a home business. Not dealing with the self-indulgent, loud and smug co-worker in the cube next to me is the added bonus. Not dealing with the co-worker or manager conflicts inherent in a desk job motivates me to make a go of this home business thing.

Marketing ourselves can be the most difficult part of a home business. We all realize this fact, yet it can be brought home to us with a vicious backlash that can send us crawling to the “help wanted” ads, bowing our heads in defeat as we search for a new “cube” job.

Sure, the rejection can be tough. Let it kick us down for a short while, say a few hours perhaps … ok, maybe a few days. But then we need to lift ourselves off the couch, turn off Rachel Ray and clean the cookie crumbs off the coffee table … resolve that our ideas are GOOD, that they have merit, and we just need to do a little more research, and put a little more time into our dream. You know, the whole “practice makes perfect” thingamajig.

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