Pickin’ Clover

Reader Contribution by Arkansas Girl
Published on June 2, 2017
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As a curious little girl, I always had my ears open to interesting and almost unbelievable tales, and my hands were always anxious to test those way-out stories that I had heard.  And with that, I’ll tell you about my experience in the clover field.

Folklore is that if you find a four-leaf clover it will bring you good luck, and, of course, I was always looking for something that would make my days out in the countryside a little bit better. So, one day I decided to find a four-leaf clover and see what good fortune it would bring me.

I didn’t have to go far to start my search because there was a field between the pine forest and our yard. I don’t think clovers are considered flowers, and I don’t think they bloom, but they easily sprout up among flowers and other vines that bloom. So, when no one was around, I ventured into that patch. I’m not sure why I didn’t want anyone to see me during my desperate search, but I remember that I didn’t ask anyone to go clover huntin’ with me.

When I got to my destination, I got down on my knees. Then I slowly and methodically started spreading the grasses and weeds and turning the leaves of the clover “flowers,” carefully plucking them up one by one and taking a good look at each. I searched and searched and searched for about half a day without seeing one clover with four leaflets.

Finally, I got tired of turning grass and clover leaflets and began to think that, perhaps, clovers only have three prongs after all, and whoever told me about the four-pronged ones was lying to see if I was naive enough to go looking for a four-leafed one.  About that time, not only had I concluded that I was wasting my time, but I started feeling quite foolish looking for something that maybe didn’t even exist.

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