Grow Your Own Field Crops

By Steven Thomas and George P. Looby
Published on December 8, 2017
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by Getty Images
Round bales are ideal for bigger operations feeding a larger number of cattle. However, the heavy bales requires specialized equipment to move them easily.

There are, in any project, economies of time, money, and land that suggest there exist practical approaches to any situation that need careful consideration before going ahead into the great unknown. Most of us involved in the production of livestock on a more limited scale do so with definitive objectives in mind, but few of us have the luxury of unlimited time, the necessary equipment, or the expertise, to devote to our projects. Once you choose to embark on a small-scale cropping program, you must commit yourself to a great deal of hard work. This can be enjoyable, but the hard facts are that we might better channel our energies in other directions.

Given that most of us small-time livestock enthusiasts are frustrated farmers, there are additional realities we should face. On a limited number of acres, the amount of feed that can be produced will be considerably less than your livestock will need to consume. To further preserve the continuity and flavor of the original book, I have chosen to leave the author’s comments and recommendations relating to the production of certain basic field crops intact, while at the same time cautioning the reader to realize the limitations these cropping programs necessarily have.

What we are concerned with are field crops and forage crops. Field crops are those plants that are primarily grown for their seeds: corn, wheat, oats, soybeans, and even sunflowers. Forage crops are the plants or parts of plants that are used for feed before maturing or developing seeds. These forages are fed as pasture (the easiest way, because the animal does all the “harvesting” itself, so there are no harvesting, curing, or storage issues to contend with), either as hay or as silage. Forage crops are further divided into legumes and grasses.

Field Crops


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