Mail Call: Letters to the Editor — May/June 2017

By The Grit Staff
Published on April 6, 2017
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Homemade bread out of a cast iron pot — there's nothing like it.
Homemade bread out of a cast iron pot — there's nothing like it.
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A Kansas homestead cellar, with the corner of the sod house shown as well.
A Kansas homestead cellar, with the corner of the sod house shown as well.
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Make sure and put a few drainage holes in your gourd birdhouses!
Make sure and put a few drainage holes in your gourd birdhouses!
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The American Guinea, an endangered breed, is a great homestead pig.
The American Guinea, an endangered breed, is a great homestead pig.

Homemade Bread

Just love the bread! After reading the November/December 2016 issue of Grit, it inspired me to bake more bread. I had already made crusty white bread in my cast iron, but the rye — toasted with peanut butter — and the cinnamon raisin is the best. I took it to work, as pictured, and everyone loved it.

I bought my daughter and daughter-in-law lidded cast-iron casserole pots to encourage them to use cast iron more. Now there is at least one loaf of this bread at every family gathering — what a great tradition!

Joni Martin
Grant Town, West Virginia

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