Mail Call: Letters to the Editor in our September/October 2018 Issue

By Grit Staff
Published on July 31, 2018
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Robert Lee Franklin delivering GRIT newspaper in 1941.
Robert Lee Franklin delivering GRIT newspaper in 1941.
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Empty Wooden Crate. Different variations of Fruit Tray made of Wood.
Empty Wooden Crate. Different variations of Fruit Tray made of Wood.
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Filling silo is one of Kathleen Rinta's favrotie memories from growing up.
Filling silo is one of Kathleen Rinta's favrotie memories from growing up.
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Sparrows are very picky birds and prefer oats to safflower seeds.
Sparrows are very picky birds and prefer oats to safflower seeds.
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It doesn’t hurt anything to remove some of the starter and use it to make biscuits, pancakes, bread, or something else.
It doesn’t hurt anything to remove some of the starter and use it to make biscuits, pancakes, bread, or something else.

Business by Horseback

I began subscribing to Grit this past year because of my father, Robert Lee Franklin. He passed away this past November at the age of 89. One of the ways he earned money when he was a young boy was by selling Grit newspapers in Rankin County, Mississippi. I inherited three ceramic bowls that he earned during his time selling the paper. He was very proud of those bowls and the achievements they represented, so I’ve held onto them.

Here’s a picture of my dad around the age of 13 or 14, which would have been about 1941. He’s delivering Grit by horseback. He has his newspaper bag hanging around his neck, and is ready to make his deliveries for the day.

Bobby Franklin

Making Do

I just received my May/June 2018 copy of Grit, and I’m reading the letter from Donna Shelby about her little dressing table made out of wooden boxes. Those boxes were orange crates, and we used them in my family as well.

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