I Read Dead People – Part 2

Reader Contribution by Alexandra Reel
Published on July 27, 2012
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In my last post I spoke of captives, people chained in caves, people shunned and stalkers in dark alleys.  Missed it?  Read it here, as this post builds heavily upon it.


As we are all well aware, there are many raging debates in the agricultural world today.  Debates ranging in subject from ethics, to sustainability, to overhead costs and profits, regulations versus liberties…on and on, you get the idea. 

Yet, while overall public awareness is increasing, it is still only those involved in agriculture that can see the true forms.  The public consumer is akin to the prisoner chained in the cave.  They see the food in grocery stores and restaurants – the finished product.  And, as we know, the finished visible food product is only the shadow of the process – only a shadow of the people, animals, work and sweat it takes to get our food from farm to table.  Yet, just as the people chained in the cave were truly convinced that the shadows they saw was reality to its fullest degree, so people who go to the store and purchase food believe that they know the full truth.  However, as you know, the real form of our nation’s food supply involves so much more. 

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