Organics and a Subsistent Life

Reader Contribution by Kate Marlowe
Published on February 24, 2020
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My family lives a subsistent life through hunting, fishing, foraging and gardening. We have a journey ahead of us to reach our goal, living a 100-percent self-sufficient life. The road has been long, adventurous and continues to have many ups and downs along the way. The one thing we know for sure, we are on the path we feel is best and love all the adventure, experiences and time centered on our family that it provides.

This article is designed to give you a look inside why we choose to live subsistent on organic whole foods. Many experiences have led me to a life of homesteading and learning to live a subsistent life in the backwoods. The information I am providing is a combination of views, both professional and personal.  I have included research from my career as a wellness specialist as well as personal opinion, based on my own experiences. I am not a licensed medical professional. I am not diagnosing or offering treatments to medical issues. Talk to your medical professional for any dietary prescriptions, changes and guidelines.

Choosing an organic diet shows your commitment to health. The news and media project an overwhelming flood of claims that organic, whole foods are the healthier way to eat. A large number of people have jumped on the organic wave for numerous reasons including disease prevention, treatment for illnesses, or overall health. We choose organics for all of the above. This further supports our decision in living a subsistent life and providing as much of our food intake from sources we control.

Organic Significance

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