You don’t have to pop a pill for everything. Some people aren’t big fans of taking conventional medicine, and there’s no reason to for minor issues. If you’re looking for some home remedies, check out these ideas for common complaints you can cure naturally.
1. Use Eucalyptus to Clear a Stuffy Nose
A few drops of eucalyptus oil in a humidifier will help clear a stuffy nose. The minty essential oil helps loosen up mucus and reduce swelling.
2. Honey for a Sore Throat
A spoonful of raw honey will instantly help ease a sore throat. As an added bonus, it will also help quell coughing fits. Mix a tablespoon of honey with a squeeze of lemon in a warm cup of water for a soothing drink.
3. Basil for Bug Bites
A bit of crushed basil on a mosquito bite will help relive the itchiness. Plus, it smells much better than anything from a bottle.
4. Coconut Oil Aftershave
If you have sensitive skin, using coconut oil as an aftershave lotion can help immensely. Dull hair can also be revived with an oil soak. Mix coconut oil with any essential oil of your choice and smooth it through your hair. Let it sit for a least half an hour, then wash it out thoroughly. This is best for fine hair, although it can be used on all hair types. Just make sure to investigate the best way to use oil for your hair!
5. Apple Cider Vinegar for Bloating, Diabetes, and Heartburn
Organic apple cider vinegar has a host of benefits, from relieving bloating to preventing diabetes to helping those with heartburn. Learn more about the benefits of apple cider vinegar here.
6. Calm Nausea With Ginger
An upset stomach can be helped with ginger. Ginger can also help with sea-sickness. You can buy an all-natural tea with ginger, or keep a piece of fresh ginger in your fridge (or freezer to make it last longer), and then just shave off a few pieces to add to hot water. Steep for 5 to 15 minutes before drinking.
7. Lesson Heartburn With Baking Soda
A touch of baking soda in a glass of water will clear late-night heartburn up in no time. Just be sure not to use too much, or you’ll be up burping instead!
8. Keep Bugs Away With Peppermint
You don’t have to pile on a chemical bug spray to keep annoying pests away. Place a few drops of peppermint essential oil into witch hazel or water and spray when needed. Just make sure to avoid your eyes!
9. Chamomile for Sleeplessness
Chamomile is great for promoting relaxation and preparing you for sleep. A cup of chamomile tea is a great way to get ready for bed.
10. Baking Soda for Bee Stings
If you or a child is stung by a bee, make a paste with baking soda and water, and rub it on the sting. The pain will stop instantly!
11. Peppermint for Headaches
In either tea or as an essential oil, peppermint is a great way to relive a tension headache. The cooling effect can be very effective at giving you a bit of stress relief, too.
12. Lavender for Restless Leg Syndrome
Do your legs and feet start to bug you at night? Rub a few drops of lavender essential oil on the areas of your legs that hurt (such as the ankle). Lavender is also known to help relieve anxiety, so it’s a great way to get your mind ready for a calm, restful sleep.
13. Marshmallow Root for Irritation and Sore Throats
Marshmallow root has been used for more than 2,000 years to calm irritation and help with sore throats. It helps moisten and reduce swelling in mucus membranes throughout the body, and reduces irritation as a result.
14. Witch Hazel for Your Face
Witch hazel is best known as a natural astringent. It’s a wonderful agent to help balance your skin after washing and helps shrink pores. If that’s what you’re after, then this is what you need in your skin care routine.
15. Green Tea for the Jitters
Green tea is known to help relive anxiety and lower blood sugar, especially when drunk regularly. However, it does have caffeine in it, so try drinking it before noon.
16. CoQ10 and Magnesium for Heart Palpitations
For many people, heart palpitations are caused by anxiety. A great way to keep your cortisol levels in check and stop palpitations is by taking CoQ10 and magnesium on a daily basis. (Consult with your doctor to make sure you don’t have any other serious heart issues.)
17. Use Witch Hazel for Hemorrhoids
The astringent properties of witch hazel can help with hemorrhoids. The alcohol causes the blood vessels to contract, reducing swelling and tenderness.
18. Honey for Minor Scratches
Honey is a natural antibiotic. Applying it to minor wounds can help prevent infection and help a wound heal faster.
19. Reduce a Fever with Linden Flower Tea
A cup of tea can help calm a low-grade fever and give everyone the rest they need. Be sure to go to your doctor if the fever gets too high!
20. Tea Tree Oil for Minor Infections
For minor skin infections, try combining one drop tea tree essential oil (often called Melaleuca) into five drops of coconut oil. Rub together and apply to infected spot twice a day. Most skin infections will clear up, but if the infection gets worse, go see a doctor.
21. Thyme for Snoring
While thyme has many antibacterial health benefits, a drop mixed with a few drops of coconut oil can be a quick remedy for someone who snores. Lightly rub some of the mixed oil to the bottom of your big toe before you go to bed. Or you can diffuse thyme in your bedroom a half-hour before you go to sleep.
22. Turmeric, Willow Bark, or Cat’s Claw for Arthritis
Turmeric, willow bark, and cat’s claw are known for helping calm inflammation. Instead of taking aspirin, use one of these natural remedies to help arthiritis.
As with all natural remedies, it’s important to consult your doctor before using. Also if you’re not sure if you are allergic to the new herb, try it in a small dose to see if you have a negative reaction before using it regularly.
This is hardly an exhaustive list of natural remedies for common ailments. Any issue you might have has a potential cure out there. It can’t hurt to look around!
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