22 Natural Remedies for Everyday Ailments

Reader Contribution by James White
Published on July 17, 2020
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You don’t have to pop a pill for everything. Some people aren’t big fans of taking conventional medicine, and there’s no reason to for minor issues. If you’re looking for some home remedies, check out these ideas for common complaints you can cure naturally.

1. Use Eucalyptus to Clear a Stuffy Nose

A few drops of eucalyptus oil in a humidifier will help clear a stuffy nose. The minty essential oil helps loosen up mucus and reduce swelling.

2. Honey for a Sore Throat

A spoonful of raw honey will instantly help ease a sore throat. As an added bonus, it will also help quell coughing fits. Mix a tablespoon of honey with a squeeze of lemon in a warm cup of water for a soothing drink.

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