The hummingbirds are back in North Texas and we are happy about that on our little homestead. I look forward to seeing them each year. I saw my first one earlier in April, but my husband was the first to spot one. Now I am seeing them all the time. They are such a wonderful addition to our backyard sanctuary.
I always put the hummingbird feeder out early to make sure I catch them just as soon as they decide to visit. I opt for sugar water instead of the store bought nectar. I use a 4 to 1 ratio of water to organic sugar. They definitely go for it and I feel better giving them something without artificial ingredients.
The hummingbirds are so fascinating to watch. They are so little, but I have become really good at spotting them even when they are not at the feeder. I think the size makes them more intriguing. I love to hear their motor. I think of them as little helicopters. If I don’t see them, I can usually hear them.
We put our feeder right outside of our backdoor. We love to stand and watch them. Sometimes they watch us and that is really cool. It is sweet that they will hang out even when we are standing so close to them.
I sometimes see pictures of hummingbirds feeding together at a feeder, but that never happens at our place. We reference the hummingbird wars that always seem to happen. One hummingbird that my husband named Fred likes to hang out in our tree and run off any other hummers. It is interesting to watch.
I like to set up my tripod and just snap away. I rarely take pictures of humans, but I certainly love to capture wildlife and my animals. The hummingbird is a wonderful subject. I am looking forward to the next several months that I can observe these fascinating creatures.