Guinea Problems

Reader Contribution by Jennifer Quinn
Published on May 6, 2015
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Having finished my new guinea shelter, I was anxious to get the guineas moved in – and out of the coop, which they were now sharing with a cage full of 6-week-old chicks. The chicks really needed to be released, plus I had nine more in the house that I was anxious to relocate.

Two of my wonderful neighbors came over that evening after dark to help me catch the guineas and move them. Jean and Jake (not their real names) raise lots of poultry and other animals and are quite experienced at this sort of thing.

“This isn’t a difficult job for us,” said Jean, adding that Jake in particular is good at catching birds. I tried to catch one of them but couldn’t – as soon as I grabbed it, it pushed off with its wings and took off across the coop. Jean amazed me by holding one under each arm while Jake carried the other.

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