Keeping Geese: From Gosling to Goose

Our guide to raising geese and maintaining a healthy flock of geese to benefit your farm and pasture. Keeping geese can offer multiple benefits.

By Kirsten Lie-Nielsen
Updated on June 26, 2023
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Janet Horton
Woman holding an African gosling at the Mother Earth News Fair in Puyallup, Washington, USA.

Our guide to raising geese and maintaining a healthy flock of geese to benefit your farm and pasture. Keeping geese can offer multiple benefits.

Geese make a delightful addition to any farm operation. They offer entertainment, guardianship, meat, eggs and more. If you’ve decided a flock is in your future, be sure you are ready for your first goslings.

Food and water

When goslings first arrive, either from a hatchery or local farm, they will need immediate access to food and fresh water. Goslings need their food soaked in water in order to swallow the meal. They need water to wash dry feed down, and it’s pretty entertaining to watch a gosling fill their mouth with feed, waddle to the water for a drink, then wattle back to the feed for another mouthful. Most farm supply stores offer feed specific for waterfowl chicks, but if you already have chick starter, you can feed them this with the addition of brewer’s yeast to help prevent any growth. Feed at a ratio of 3 pounds of yeast to a 25-pound bag of feed.

In addition to the moistened feed or dry feed, goslings also obviously need a source of fresh water for drinking. Goose nostrils tend to clog if they do not have the ability to fully submerse their beaks in water, so be sure their water bowl is deep enough for them to dip their beaks into. Do not give them so much water that they try to swim. Chick waterers usually offer plenty of depth for submersion without the extra space for splashing. Water must be checked and cleaned regularly – once or twice daily – to prevent contamination from droppings.

Safe swimming

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