Five Tips for Raising Baby Chicks Indoors That You Need to Know

Reader Contribution by Kathryn Robles
Published on March 15, 2018
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Raising chickens is all the rage lately, and for good reason! Chickens are a great livestock for beginners and experienced homesteaders, and they can be raised in a variety of locations.

Even if you have just a small flock, it can be very rewarding to raise your own baby chicks. While you can purchase hatching eggs or adult birds, many people choose to raise their own baby chicks indoors. This allows you to have more breed options and can help your birds be extra friendly. Here are five tips to help you raise baby chicks indoors.

Get everything set up before you get your birds.

Whether you are getting mail order chicks, or bringing them home from the feed store, it’s a good idea to have your brooder set up ahead of time. This allows your brooder to get warm enough, and gives you time to adjust the height of your heat lamp before your baby birds are depending on that heat. You can also get your feeders and waterers set up ahead of time so your baby chicks can settle in quickly.

Start with healthy stock.

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