Chicken Brooder Basics

So you've acquired or hatched a group of day-old chicks; now what?

By Hank Will
Published on August 27, 2013
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by AdobeStock/poco_bw

So you’ve acquired or hatched a group of day-old chicks; now what? Introducing them to a chicken brooder that will keep them comfortable and safe should be first on the list. Watch this video to learn some chicken brooder basics.

Raising chicks from scratch — or nearly scratch — isn’t all that difficult. Folks have been doing it for thousands of years, and most pulled it off without all the technology we have today. Whether you purchase day-old birds from a hatchery or incubate fertile eggs instead, there’s little reason to believe that your efforts won’t result in one fine flock.

Supply Checklist for Baby Chicks

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