How to Pick the Perfect Farm Dog

By Callene Rapp
Published on October 2, 2020
article image
by Londie Garcia Padelsky
Australian Shepherd Dog jumping over creek in San Luis Obispo, California.

Ever since livestock were first domesticated, thousands of years ago, dogs have worked in partnership with man in taking care of those animals and are an essential part of farm life.

But what makes a good farm dog? The answer to this question can be at once incredibly complex and incredibly simple.

Complex in that there are hundreds of different breeds of dog, each with a unique genetic makeup and skill set that make them suited to specific farm tasks. Simple in that a good farm dog is any dog of any breed or breed combination that provides assistance in the multitude of day-to-day jobs on the farm. From guarding sheep to driving cattle, even just being the dependable companion on long days, dogs contribute in countless ways to farm life.

But even among those with a history of working with livestock, some are more suited for one job over another. Making sure you match the right dog with the right job description can go a long way to creating a happy, lifelong partnership. The key is to understand the job you need done and match the breed to the role.

Let’s take a quick look at some of the breeds and types of dogs commonly found on the farm, and the jobs they are best suited for.


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