Raising Exotic Sheep

Reader Contribution by Jacqueline Wilt, R.N. and C.E.M.T.
Published on February 13, 2015
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WildMedia - stock.adobe.com
Group of mouflons, ovis musimon, looking inside forest in autumn nature. Wild ewes observing in woodland during fall season. Herd of brown sheeps standing on foliage in wilderness.

This story starts off with our realization that Silas, our Anatolian Shepherd (a.k.a. super-hero livestock guardian dog), is getting old. Granted, eight years doesn’t sound old, but in dog years, he’s getting pretty close to over-the-hill. So we decided it was time to get another LGD (livestock guardian dog) puppy that Silas could help us raise and train.

Man holding shepherd dog

Meet Brina (her name means “Guardian” or “Defender” in the Celtic language), the newest member of our farm! She is full-blood Anatolian Shepherd and a sweetheart to boot! Her frame is large, so we expect her to be a big dog. She is doing well with the poultry and Silas will help teach her the ropes.

Well, OK, Brina isn’t actually the newest member of our farm. Since Silas has been guarding just ducks and chickens, we thought it would be a good idea to get something larger for Brina to learn and grow up with. I ended up stumbling across an ad for a pair of bottle baby lambs. I grew up raising and showing sheep in 4-H, so I pounced on the chance to have sheep again!

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