Heritage Breed Pigs: Tamworth, Berkshire and Mangalitsa

Reader Contribution by Meg With Modern Roots
Updated on June 4, 2022
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Choose which of these heritage breed pigs is best for you!

Finally, all my pigs/sows are here on the Modern Roots farmstead. Getting the fencing ready, the huts for farrowing, and the specific breeds I wanted all took quite a bit of planning and effort. But they are finally adjusted to their new home and thriving. I love heritage breeds for their ability to mother naturally and fight disease better than the commercial breeds — and they taste so much better too! Therefore, I am raising Tamworths, Berkshires and Mangalitsas.

My Heritage Breed Pigs

Free-Ranging Tamworths

Tamworths – our Tamworth’s name is Tammy – are long, rusty red-colored, lean and athletic. Known for the best bacon in the world, they originate from central England. In this region, there were dense forests of oak and beech trees where the pigs were kept to forage in the autumn and winter. Which is why I wanted this breed, to easily free-range.

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