Getting Started with Goats

Reader Contribution by Michele Cook
Published on February 20, 2019
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When I dove head first into my hippie plan, I knew I wanted milk goats. I make cold-processed soap and one of my favorite ingredients is goat milk. There was just one little problem…I had never owned a goat. Horses, cows, a pig, and chickens yes, but I was brand new to the small ruminant world. All I knew was I didn’t know a whole lot about goats.

Deciding on a Breed

All goats are not built the same. I had seen the cute fainting goats, big Boer goats, and some that people told me were “just goats.” I knew I was looking for dairy goats, so I began my breed research there. I asked around, watched way too many adorable baby goat videos, and in the end, I decided I was going with Alpine goats.

These goats were big and sturdy — a plus for a newbie like me. They also had a long history of good breeding and were a top producer of milk.

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