Teaching a Horse to Drive

Enjoy the many benefits of teaching your horse to pull a cart.

Reader Contribution by Michele Cook
Published on August 20, 2020
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by Flickr/Emily Winkworth

Follow these tips and enjoy the many benefits of teaching a horse to drive.

Driving horses is often associated with something from another era. After the advent of cars, there was no need for us to ride in horse-drawn carriages anymore.

We could hop in our cars and get there much faster than in a pony-powered wagon. While driving your horse to the grocery store or work might not be practical, teaching a horse to drive has some amazing benefits for you and your horse.

Spook-Proof Your Horse

Last week I had the pleasure of going out driving with a friend of mine. He hooked his favorite welsh pony to a four-wheel cart and we set out to view the countryside. My friend teaches all of his horses to drive, he considers it part of their basic training, and after just a few miles, I understood why.

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