Getting Ready for Goat Babies

Reader Contribution by Jennifer Sartell
Published on February 27, 2013
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The past two weeks have been an odd mix of worry and excitement. Our three dairy goats Esther, Nan and Gretta are expecting babies any time and my mothering instinct has kicked in. Lord help the person who tries to get me out of the house for more than 2 hours at a time. I am still dealing with the “let nature take its course” mentality, and I do believe that nature knows best…I do. I know that goats have been doing this for thousands of years without human help. But goats in the wild also die, their babies die and freeze to death, they starve and perish sometimes and that too is a part of nature.

Our goats don’t live in the wild. We are responsible for them and that is a responsibility I take to heart. If there’s something I can do to ease their pain, make them more comfortable, healthier or successful in their pregnancies, then I’m going to do it…even if it means they have to admit me when it’s all said and done. 

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