Ducklings Make Their Way

Reader Contribution by Rosalind
Published on April 16, 2012
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There are nine ducklings at Walnut Kitchen Homestead. They arrived late one night, procured by Farmer P. from one of those places that supplies all the farming equipment imaginable. Farmer P. brought to WKH: four Rouens (Hooey, Dooey, Looey, Fooey), two Fawn and White Runners (Drip, Dunk), two white ducks – probably Pekins – (Donald, Daisy), and one Magpie (Passamaquoddy). Adding ducklings was not a spur of the moment idea, rather an accumulation of months of research and discussion by our family. Hence, there were some preconceived notions formed. Never believe everything you hear when it comes to animals. Foolishly, we had assumed that their behavior, growth and appearance would resemble that of chickens, just with more of an attraction to water. We were wrong.

Our fellows turned out to be real complainers. Without ceasing, they complained from morning ’til night. For some reason, they find fault with everything. You can imagine the remarks:

“These pine shavings are too spiky.”

“This water isn’t deep enough.”

“I don’t like the interior décor, the metal is not of my taste.”

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