Poultry Lice

Reader Contribution by Melissa Caughey
Published on July 16, 2012
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This past Spring, I got an email from my daughter’s preschool that a child there was discovered to have head lice.  Of course, the typical parent paranoia set in from those of us whose children were not affected….yet.  The girls were required to go to school with their longer hair braided.  They were corralled at the door and their heads were searched for hidden parasites.  Of course, all these precautions paid off.  This got me thinking.  Did you know that chickens can have lice too?  Thank goodness people cannot catch poultry lice but I still get the heebie jeebies just thinking about them.

There are many variations of poultry lice found around the country yet they all have these identifying characteristics in common.  These include:

They are 2-3 millimeters in size.

They have light brown bodies.

Move quickly

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