Mulefoot Pigs: Take 2

Reader Contribution by Hank Will and Editor-In-Chief
Published on October 29, 2008
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<p>I hurried home from the office yesterday to finish up a small fencing project for the&nbsp;<a title=”cattle” href=”/blogs/cattle-from-the-highlands.aspx?blogid=184″ target=”_blank”>
<span style=”color: #0000ff;”>cattle</span>
</a>. Once they were fully engaged with the lush, green, 24-inch long growth in the new paddock, I grabbed a flashlight to go have a look at our four little&nbsp;<a title=”Mulefoot pigs” href=”/blogs/mulefoot-hogs-in-osage-county.aspx?blogid=184″ target=”_blank”>
<span style=”color: #0000ff;”>Mulefoot pigs</span>

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