My name is Cactus Jack Splash, the most beautiful Appaloosa in the world, well at least that is what my human thinks. This is a spot for me to talk about my journeys through life and the lessons learned along the way.
I joined my new owner, Syndi, and the adventures have begun. My owner decided that we would take lessons so we could communicate better. Well, I can tell you the communication breakdown is not on my part. How hard is it to understand what I am saying?
I snort at something and that means, hmmm that is interesting maybe I might be its friend. My owner thinks it means, oh geeze I don’t like that thing hang on because I am going to launch myself to the next county. I stomp my foot and that means, hurry up times a wasting. My owner thinks it means, darn fly go over and bother some other horse or that I am getting grumpy.
I cock my foot when my owner reaches down to pick it up that means, here now you don’t have to bend over and work so hard. My owner thinks it means, watch your head he may kick.
So as you can see I have a “dope on a rope” that I have to train. I invite you to join me in the joy of owning a human and laugh along with me as I train the DOR (dope on a rope) to be a good horseman, how to stop and breathe, and most of all what life is really all about.
Enjoy your day and don’t forget to hug your DOR!